Sunday, March 1, 2009

             Tareas Solidarias-Caravana Por La Paz

                                               SO, exactly Who Are We?

Tareas Solidarias-Caravana Por La Paz is a non governmental organization or NGO, based in Spain with branches in Huelva, Granada, Sevilla, and La Rioja. In Spain they work to protect the rights of illegal immigrants that live in Spain and push for a greater consciousness in the developed world of the problems 
that exist in the lesser fortunate part of the world and seek to educate the people of Spain as to what is the responsibility of each citizen to help create a healthier and more balanced world.  As well, inside of the context of the "War on Terror" Caravana strives to increase communication and understanding between the two continents, the two religions, and the two peoples, in order to stop the racism, the fear and the mistrust of the outsider, and the violence that has arisen between Europe and North Africa since the start of the 21st century.

A Caravan of Peace if you will, a bridge of harmony, education, and peace connecting Europe to Africa.

The second face of Tareas Solidarias-Caravana Por La Paz's work is in Morocco. Based in Larache, it sponsors programs of cultural exchange between young people from Spain and Morocco. From this experience has grown, a program of formation in social-cultural entertainment and a summer camp held every year for the children of the city of Larache, ten days of educational and cultural activities in order to lend a hand to the local associations, strengthen the idea of the Civil Society in Morocco, and help to educate the future generations and future leaders of both Spain and Morocco.

TS-CPLP's work in Morocco is dynamic and welcomes new approaches and strategies. They are currently running a project for the spanish government in direct social work and training with adults and children in the poorest parts of the city of Larache, entitled "Education in the Neighborhood". The sky is the limit for TS-CPLP and the motivation and creative spirit of the members of their team and the bonds that has been forged between them and the people of Morocco hopefully will propel their work on in Larache for many years to come.